Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

Hi, hope everyone that reads this had a nice Labor Day weekend! Ours was not planned out as far as celebrating or traveling. We just took it easy and enjoyed being around family. I did cook some steak and chicken on the grill outside and that was mighty tasty! We've been having an influx of evacuees here in the local area from the states that were ordered to leave because of Hurricane Gustav. I'm hopeful that it will pass soon and everyone can get back to their homes without too much damage. The first week back to school went smoothly for the kids and they've gone back today for week 2. Football season is coming on strong here in Texas and although I don't get "into" it as much as a lot of folks, it is still a reminder of the change in seasons and that's the part I look forward to. Our son plays for his High School team and no doubt I'll be at most of those games.
My tattoo is healed already, wow can't believe how quickly that came about. Touch ups if needed will be done in about 2 weeks. They say you will probably need a little something in most cases with color and when it's on the foot area, so......no problem.
Looks like I'll be flying over to Glasgow, Scotland again in less than two months. My time over there this time will be a lot longer (YAY!!!) and my hopes are that I'll actually be a help for my son and daughter in law and the new granddaughter. It is very exciting knowing I can help out and take a vacation all in one, how blessed and lucky can a person be?
How do you like the new feel of my blog? I stumbled Chelsea who makes free backgrounds on her own blog called Aqua Poppy Designs and had to try one out. This one caught my eye because of the colors. I intend to update my blog header logo soon too. I realized how bad it looked to me because it still said Happy Spring, oops! Here it is at the beginning of Fall weather already, yikes I missed the whole Summer even, LOL. I'll post again ASAP, have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

Hi Greenie
Love the background! May have to check this out!
Missing you, sweetie. You're on my mind.