Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nice getaway

Well I'm back, although reluctantly. It was so nice being in Hill Country for the weekend. I saw so many deer throughout the neighborhood too. It's like they are living in harmony with humans. Who knew?? When my son told me that they freely roam around them it just didn't set in until I saw it for myself. Also we visited Inner Space Caverns, which is an underground cave/cavern type place, with strange growing limestone and bones of animals fround from the Ice Age, no foolin!

The Teddy Bear Show in Austin was nice, although smaller than the ones I'd previously been to in Grapevine. Here is a little photo to show and the "cute little girl" is modeling an awesome silver charm bracelet that I purchased from Claralie Hall from Gaunchywhomperd Bears, also a fellow Texan and friend. Remember if you'll click on them they'll open up to a larger, clearer size!
And one more nice view to show you is how beautiful some of the pastures and fields looked from the Interstate. Just massive bunches of sunflowers everywhere! I can just see all of the hunters come September in droves for Dove season. Oh well....until next time.................CYA!

Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm off to Austin

Leaving today for the Doll Show and Bear Shows in Austin this weekend. Not entirely sure if I'll make both, but the Bear Show for sure. Hopefully they won't mind me taking a few photos and I'll share them when I return. Mostly just looking forward to getting out of town and the same ol' same ol' around here. Plus, the best part is I'm getting to see my son and daughter-in-law's new home they've just moved into nearby. It sounds wonderful, so I can't wait to see it all.

Monday, June 18, 2007


HAH, I've re added my friends' links for their blogs and websites at the bottom of this page. Take that you Blogger gremlins!!! Naw, I was able to locate them and post them again, so I feel better. Do take a peak at some amazing talent if you have the time. Most of these folks I talk to on a daily or weekly basis and they are just wonderful people. That's all for now. Going for a short walk if the mosquitoes don't devour us!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I've lost all of my friend's linkage at the bottom of the page!
Now how did this happen? I can't believe it.....all I did was
try a little tweaking and them BOOM, things changed, other
things disappeared completely. GRRRRRRR! Well, I'll
have to start over on the links at another time. Live and learn?
LOL, I doubt it ;o)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ruby is finished!

Here is a sneak peak of Miss Ruby Petals which will be offered for sale on The Humble Arts website this Monday, June 18th, 2007. She decided to show you her little friend...Oh, and do please click on the thumbnail photo for a nice larger view. Thanks for looking if you do!
**sigh of relief**

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday Evening

Well we had a scorcher of a day today and I can't remember if our air conditioner ever did stop. In fact I'm sure the electric meter was spinning off the charts. UGH :o( I'm grateful for the A/C but definitely do NOT look forward to next month's bill at all.
Ruby has shoes! They turned out better than I'd hoped for, so I'm pleased about that. Somehow through pure accident I achieved an old worn papery leather look with wool felt and watered down acrylics. I plan on doing some shots of her tomorrow and already have her description ready to go on HARTS.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ruby has a dress

Who is Ruby you might ask? She is the doll that is 98% finished as of tonight, whew! What a chore she has been to get this far. I've only had small increments of time to work on her and every few minutes is a major milestone for me and her both. I think the last time I spent this much time on a doll she ended up sitting under a peg rack undressed and still no face. Not this time! I pushed and pushed and all she lacks now are shoes and an accessory or two. Ruby's name is for several reasons. I had a Great Aunt Ruby who meant a great deal to me and it's still hard to believe that she's not with us anymore :( But I've given 1 of my daughters a middle name in remembrance of her. This particular doll has the color of rubies in her and when I finally decide to unveil her, you'll see what I mean. I suppose that's all for now. Going to bed. Good night!

Friday, June 8, 2007


Today we're supposed to get more rain. I'm not wanting to complain, but these mosquitoes and humidity are really wearing me down. Here's a nice photo of yesterday and the rainbow we could see from our backyard view. I suppose that is a nice enough trade for a break in the weather :)
DOLL UPDATE! She has a complete face and is ready to have her legs attached. I'd say more about her, but that would give away the type of doll she is and I prefer to surprise certain people. She's really nothing all that special as far as dolls go, BUT she is a first for me. No paper mache or paint and pencils either. Totally made by stitching of one sort or another. I did use a new technique given to me by a very nice lady who makes bears. Her name is Claralie Hall. She goes under the name of Gaunchywhomperd Bears at shows. How's that for a name?
Once this doll has her legs, she can sit and wait for me to make a nice dress. I'll say this...it will be various shades of green.

to be continued...

Monday, June 4, 2007

Birthdays are Fun!

A little lady had
her first birthday
today. (outdoors)

Lots of fun and
sticky fingers!

The weather
decided to
cooperate too,
so we couldn't
ask for more :)