Friday, December 28, 2007

2008 around the corner...

Hard to believe, but true. I found this photo while using a cool add on for Firefox called StumbleUpon. I thought it would be good to post it to remind folks not only to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE, but to watch out for those foolish ones that do.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and wish you and your family a healthy, safe and prosperous New Year!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Beading Frenzy

My last few necklaces finished and ready to wrap and I have the sore fingers to prove it!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Tree Decorating

Just decorating the tree with my "own" personal elves ;)

Don't send a lame Starring You! eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas gift making...

Whew, I've been busy making Christmas gifts the past week or so and decided to show off a couple of the necklaces that I did. They are unusual in the fact that they are crocheted with jewelry wire and beads. At first I thought they were "not so pretty", but the more of them that I made, the more I ended up liking them. Your comments are welcome, by the way. Click the thumbnail for a larger view. Well I need to make about 3 or 4 more of these, then I am back to sewing, stuffing and all that good stuff!
(make your own crochet necklace here!)