Sunday, December 16, 2007

Beading Frenzy

My last few necklaces finished and ready to wrap and I have the sore fingers to prove it!


Blondie ~ Vintage Primitives said...

I have to tell you that I made two necklaces - gave one to DD already - you inspired me. The other one, well, let's just say it is going to be recycled. Fun project.
Big blessings to you, dear one

CraBBy GaBBy said...

OH my gosh, love these, collecting beads is just as addicting as collecting stuff to make dollies with. you did such a beautiful job, are they all gifts? How lucky for the person that receives one.

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Greenie, you definitely have the knack for jewelry making. These are wonderful!! The recipients of these treasures are extremely lucky!
Merry Christmas!!

Nancy Malay said...

These are sooo pretty - lucky are the recipients!! Merry Christmas!!!


Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Hey Greenie! You've been tagged. Go check out my blog. :> )